Exclusive | The Media Center of Al-Wedad Foundation for Development


On Saturday morning, Rabiʽ al-Awwal 22/ 7 November, Mr. Abdullah bin Ahmed Mula Al-Dawilah, the director of Al-Wedad Foundation for Development,   received Mr. Abu Bakr bin Sheikh bin Abdullah Al-Habshi, the director of Ish’aa’a Social and Cultural  Center in Hotat Ahmed bin Zein / Shibam city. The director of Al-Wedad Foundation welcomed the guest and gave him an overview of the foundation mission and goals. The overview also included the most prominent activities and development projects  carried out by the Foundation since the establishment up to now. Mr. Mula Al-Dawilah talked about how to develop social and humanitarian work through making an effective and real partnership between institutions to achieve the ultimate goal which is improving the charitable and humanitarian work at different levels in light of the bad circumstances in  our country.

At the end of the visit, the director of Ish’aa’a Center thanked Mr. Abdullah bin Ahmed Mula Al-Dawilah for the hospitality and he wished them  success in their humanitarian and charitable work to serve the local community