Exclusive | Al-Wedad  Foundation for Development

Last Tuesday morning , Rabi’ al-Thani 4th – November 9th, Mr. Abdullah Mula Al-Dawilah, the Director of Al-Wedad Foundation for Development, received Mr. Alawi bin Ahmed Al-Siri from  United Arab Emirates. He was accompanied by Mr. Zein bin Omar Al-Aidaroos, Ahmed Al-Hasani, a specialist in the field of electronic solutions, Abubakr bin Ahmed Al-Siri, the Secretary General of the  Arbitration of Hadhramaut Tribes, and Mr. Abdurrahman Ali Bilfaqih. The guests began their visit with a quick tour of the Foundation departments and then they got acquainted with the current and previous activities and projects of the Foundation. They greatly appreciated these good efforts carried out by the Foundation and they wished them continued success and prosperity in serving the humanitarian and charitable process in the country